Nutchies 樂脆腰果




⭐️香甜粟米風味 長居Nutchies的冠軍王牌 - 香甜粟米風味以香濃的玉米甜香作為腰果點啜。小朋友對於甜食一向來者不拒,Nutchies採用日本既糖果製造技術,保留到玉米本身既甜香和脆脆的口感。大人時工作太忙,需要補充能量,香甜粟米風味Nutchies真的無法抗拒! Our all-time favourite and No.1 best-seller! You have not tried Nutchies Cashew Nut until you have tried our famous Golden Corn! Coated with natural corn flavour seasoning, our Golden Corn boasts itself as one of the flavours of the original series and still the reigning champ! Now that’s a snack that has a crunch with a punch! ⭐️車打芝士風味 召喚所有芝士愛好者!如果您喜歡芝士味的零食,那您一定要試試脆脆腰果炮製的車打芝士腰果!脆脆腰果包注一層濃濃的芝士香味,包你一試愛上! This flavour calls for all cheese-lovers out there. If you are into cheese snacks, then why not try our very own cheese snack now in a form of a cashew nut! Grab our Cheddar Cheese cashew nut as your next fun party snack! ⭐️惹味香蒜風味 野蒜味的味道非常強烈,每粒腰果都散發濃烈蒜香味。 只要您喜歡吃香口小食,一粒野蒜味腰果,相信足夠令您欲罷不能。 建議您食用時可配上一杯冰冷啤酒,兩者相融,簡直是驚喜味道二重奏。 One of our top 3 flavours and strongly addictive, our Wild Garlic cashew nut prides itself as a strong fragrant snack that is uniquely suitable for a drinking occasion. ⭐️黑松露風味 *sniff* *sniff* What is that marvelous smell?That deep musky aroma? It can only be our truffle-flavoured cashew nuts! Decadently delicious and fabulously flavourful,our cashew nuts will remind you why these highly sought-after underground-growing mushrooms are so popular worldwide! With its unique garlicky and slightly earthy taste,come discover your favourite new gourmet snack experience! ⭐️蜂蜜奶油風味 甜而不膩來形容蜂蜜奶油風味腰果就最適合不過了。豐富奶油味融入腰果之中,奶油香配上腰果,一定會有吃不停口的魔力!想陷入蜜糖奶油的美味旋渦就不容錯過了! Bzzzz bzzzz bzzzz! Look no further, busy little bee! You will find everything that you want right here in our Honey Butter cashew nuts! We mix the sweetness of luscious, golden honey with the savory richness of warm melted butter to give you a mouth-watering medley that is sure to get your wings flapping! ⭐️日式芥末風味 日式芥末配壽司您必吃得多,日式芥末風味腰果您試過未呢?芥末的「辣」配上香脆腰果,令每一啖都散發日本芥末風味。味覺的挑戰,您敢試下嗎? When it comes to ‘hot’ flavours, the Wasabi cashew nut is in for the taking as everyone knows the famous mean green Japanese horseradish is always ready to awaken up your senses! ⭐️滋味沙律醬 當沙律醬風味與腰果撞擊 , 為你帶來的化學作用,使你忘記一切以往嘗試的沙律醬味食品。 沙律醬香而不膩、 腰果啖啖鬆脆。每一啖都令沙律醬的粉絲深深愛上。最好吃的沙律醬味食品,沒有之一。 If you fancy Sour Cream potato chips, you will definitely love to try one of our top 3 flavours which is the Creamy Mayo cashew nut! Now you have something else to accompany you while you watch your favourite TV shows other than potato chips! ⭐️鹹蛋黃味 經歷過新加坡鹹蛋薯片洗禮,世界各地均掀起一股「鹹蛋熱潮」。當「鹹蛋熱潮」遇上腰果,相信一定會再掀起一股熱潮。奪目的金黃色鹹蛋香腰果,邀請您再次臣服於鹹蛋的魅力! Some have done it too salty, others have done it too light, but ours is done just right! That’s right, Goldilocks, come try our gloriously golden and amazingly crunchy Salted Egg cashew nuts! Mouth-wateringly tasty with hints of exquisite spices, they will surely satisfy those salted egg cravings of yours in no time! So, pop a couple of these crispy golden bad boys down your beak; we guarantee you’ll be quacking for more!

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